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Forum: Welcome

Posted by: Christopher Phelps
Date: 2014-02-01 11:18
Summary: Welcome
Project: Wombat Integrated System Environment

This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map


Welcome to the newly created project for the Wombat ISE. I will strive to keep this message short and sweet. I hope to get as much participation as possible in this project as possible so that I can include as many varying ideas as possible.

Some basic ideas ::

1 :: A very minimal kernel, just enough to provide access to the bare-bones hardware underneath.
2 :: An easy to use toolchain that you can build anything your heart desires.
3 :: A larger Game Engine designed "OS" layer that will drive the released OreOS.
4 :: Designed specifically for 64-bit architecture with an emphasis on AMD64 though I imagine ARM64 will be added once the AMD64 is stable.

I would encourage everyone to participate to start there is a mailing list that I would suggest developers, designers, and anyone that wants to have their voice included to join.

Docs, and Forums will follow shortly. I also have plans to release a full Wiki here shortly that will sum up all of the ideas in depth about the project. Come and join and help build the future of computing as we see it.

~Arrogant Penguin~
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Christopher Phelps - 2014-02-01 11:18 -
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